Monday 22 June 2009

The World's Most Decorative Muff♥

When journeying to Paris to see the delectable Ms. Dita Von Teese in January, we visited the 'Musee de la Mode et textile' to see 'Fashion of the 1800s'. Amongst the collections of beautiful petticoats, feathered fans and absurdly tiny shoes, I came face to face with the peacock muff. Photography being a strict 'non-non' I raided the gift stall afterwards for a picture postcard of the breathtaking muff but alas there was not one to be seen. 
Thus in sheer desperation I whipped out the old Crackberry when the security guard was amiss and captured it in all it's glory. The image does not portray the enormity of the object - if I had a 10 pound note I would have laid it by the side to show highlight le grande scale- it was fully feather lined too, so I deduce from the feathered luxury, that it must have been a three peacock job.

After my stint in the fashion museum, we journeyed to the David LaChapelle exhibition at the other end of town, where another muff was on display - this one belonging to
Paris Hilton. The 6ft photograph of the socialite and security 
complete with surrounding paparazzi (and what looks like KISS legend Jean Simmons) took centre stage in the celebrity portrait room. The composition leads the eye to one thing, however this muff may be airbrushed for art's sake and would not have harmed any birds in the making.

1 comment:

stop scratching said...

hawhaw!!! i love the first muff and loath the second! and ofcourse adore the writer xxxx cjm